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questionnaires and analysis of med vet. Christine Beckman, Switzerland
owners and owners of Great Danes were asked via a questionnaire, to give health of their animals
information. Of 525 questionnaires were received, 512
recovered. The focus of this study is the comparison of the three colors yellow / brindle,
blue / black in blue and black and harlequin. In general, animals are not within the same color
shock were mated, so that you actually three different races could speak
Ku resulted March summarized the following results:
life expectancy:
The average life expectancy of all three colors is around 6.5 years, and spotted among black
were to find the most long-lived animals (20%, that every fifth animal was older than 10 years)
Most common diseases:
Each color shock were the diseases of the musculoskeletal system and spine in place
one. Average every fifth animal was affected.
Major causes of death:
In Yellow / brindle 25% died from sudden death, which presumably lead to heart failure back to
was in blue / black from blue 22% died of bloat and black harlequin
21% died of heart failure or old age.
Most diseases and deaths are due to the size of the animals. Fast
growth may damage the skeletal system do not result in artferechter feeding and care, as the great weight of our dogs.
the heart must be created large, so an adequate oxygen supply to the entire animal is guaranteed
and is stretched over time and over-loaded. The broad, deep belly makes the internal organs
too much latitude to the rotation of the stomach and or spleen may lead.
first Introduction
tried with a large-scale questionnaire-action, we find out what about the health
our Great Danes. The questionnaires appeared as an insert in the Swiss magazine
Dogg "Dotty Dalmatian" and were launched internationally in exhibitions. Response we received from the
Switzerland, Germany, France, Holland and Spain.
The number of returned questionnaires was encouraging large: From 525 questionnaires received were
512 are recycled.
We also received a surprising number of reports of animals vital to the day she died and healthy
remained, so that we can assume to have obtained a fairly representative cross-section of the Great Danes
The focus of this study is the comparison of the three colors yellow / brindle,
blue / black in blue and black and harlequin. In general, animals are not within the same color
shock were mated, so that you could actually speak of three different races.
It was to find out whether there are between the three shades of color differences in health, where
which diseases occur more frequently and is the area in which the average life expectancy
therefore were used only data from animals whose color (and age) were given was.
analysis of the questionnaires
Each animal had to be described individually. Mandatory information was needed color and age,
diseases (if ever one occurred) and the cause of death (for deceased animals). Sheets, which contained no information
to color or to the age of the animal were not evaluated. Gender
were not evaluated separately.
The diseases, respectively. Causes of death were divided into the following categories:
- Allergy: Only if the owner used the word allergy. Certain chronic diseases such as diarrhea or skin suffering
could also allergic origin be. They appear in each other
- old age: Any animal that was older than 10 years appear in the "old age".
The effective cause of death was not considered. Some owners also give in animals
were younger than 10 years, the cause of death senility. These were specifically mentioned, but not
- Eyes: Any type of eye disease, not only abnormalities of the eye such as entropion (inward
turned eyelid) or ectropion (eyelid hanging, naked eye).
- movements gsapparat: complaints from the front or rear legs.
- Genital : all diseases of the female and male genital organs. Malformations as
small testes (atrophy) or "testicled" (testicle remains in the abdomen) were not evaluated separately.
disease were also evaluated as caesarean sections and pyometra (pyometra).
- GI tract: gastrointestinal tract, digestive tract. In this category all complaints
of organs that have to do with the digestion were incorporated, (teeth, oral cavity, stomach, intestines, liver,
anal glands). Not counted to cancer or infectious diseases of the digestive organs and digestive
respectively. Milzdrehungen.
- Torsion: bloat, Milzdrehung. Both organs within the abdominal cavity can twist
alone or even together, as the stomach and spleen by a band are connected.
- Skin: All skin conditions except allergies or cancer. Skin diseases caused by parasites are
(Ex: demodicosis), or infectious skin diseases (eg: pyoderma, Hautvereiterungen)
were left in the skin category, although they would also have the infections can be expected.
- infections: infections of organ systems that are caused by bacteria or viruses. Example:
kennel cough, parvovirus, Lyme disease, pneumonia, etc.
- Cancer: All Organic diseases, which were described by the owners as a cancer or tumor
(in certain lesions is difficult to see from the outside, whether it is indeed cancer).
osteosarcoma (bone cancer) were counted separately. In many animals had only the word cancer
in the categories of illness or death, more accurate information was missing.
- Kidney / Bladder: All diseases of the urinary organs.
- Spine: All diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which was mentioned by the owner's back as the cause
. Shad, cauda equina or spinal cord infarction were not evaluated separately.
- Other: Everything that did not fit into any category. Example: poisoning, accidents, anesthesia incident Cause of death unknown
illness or death in all three colors
disease over 50% of the animals at least once in their life.
a disease that eventually led to death, appears only as a cause of death. One should not forget
that certain diseases (arthritis, spondylosis, cancer, etc.) "only" appear as cause of death, caused
but the animal a potentially long period of suffering and the owners high veterinary costs
and that these diseases in the above 50% are not included.
second Evaluation
life expectancy:
The average life expectancy of all three colors is around 6.5 years.
The longest animals to see black and harlequin: 20%, ie every fifth animal were
older than 10 years.
For blue / black were 15% of blue and yellow / Brindle, 10.5% of animals older than 10 years.
general diseases: easy
For black / harlequin fewer animals suffer in their lifetimes, namely 49.8%, than for the other
coat colors. For blue / black were from blue to 50.7%, yellowfin / Brindle, 52.2%.
musculoskeletal system:
appear musculoskeletal problems in all shades of color in the first place.
An animal with recurring lameness leads a year-long life with pain.
Although remarkably little HD (hip dysplasia) or ED (elbow joint dysplasia)
mentioned cases were the skeletal system the weight of our animals is still not up!
When complaints of the spine to be added, the results are still striking :
Yellow / brindle: 19.3%; blue / black from blue: 20.7% Black / Spotted: 22%.
every fifth Dane spends her life with chronic pain
diseases of the eyes are in yellow / brindle and blue / black and blue from second place.
It is or it is operated. In each case, pain and costs.
bloat or Milzdrehungen are in yellow / brindle and blue / black from blue to place
three of the diseases. A torsion appears in the column disease if the animal owner to be fast enough
could bring to the vet for an untreated stomach turn always leads to death of
animal. Otherwise, they will appear in the heading of death.
The owners of yellow / brindle animals seem to be the fastest: in the cause of death is the torsion
"only" fourth. For blue / black from blue, the torsion appears on the top of
causes of death for black / harlequin in second place.
Prophylactic fixation of the stomach seems made especially in the North be. It can only be
performed under anesthesia and the opened abdominal cavity, so it is a stressful operation.
Yellow / brindle number one cause of death with 25 %!!!. For blue / black are from blue to 18.3%
and black harlequin 21.2%.
Yellow / brindle and blue / black and blue from the lead with 21%, respectively. 20% of cancer as a cause of death in
Blue / Black in Blue "only" 13.6%.
third Conclusion
action for action! Today Dogg lover buys an expensive pedigree animals (1200-3000 Euros.) Fitted with a
than 50% probability once in his life seriously ill (. 500 - 2000 Euros) to 50%
a lifelong medication for heart problems or complaints at the skeletal system needs
(about 90 € / month) and an average of no more than 6.5 years old is (which, given the
suffering of animals and the owner or the veterinarian and high drug costs would be a relief for many
spine, musculoskeletal system, osteosarcoma:
means to rapid growth of long bones of the skeleton of an enormous burden. At the same
not enough to build muscle, because the necessary movement could damage the growing bones
. At the animal hospital Zurich is recommended that owners of puppies of large breeds
the animals during growth, not to let off the leash and games as quickly as possible
cancel. One measure that can hardly contribute to the mental health of an animal.
Repeated small injuries of bones can lead to the formation of bone cancer.
torsion (bloat, Milzdrehung):
breeds, both large and wide are suffering under increasing stomach, respectively. can Milzdrehungen,
because there must be enough space in the abdomen may be present so that the organs move against each other
The theory that feeding errors are responsible for bloat might, could not confirm
: most of bloat are held with an empty stomach.
heart disease:
The most common heart disease of the Great Dane is the dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). It is
a condition that is best known for large dog breeds. The DCM is slowly usually
is by the heart muscle is chronically overloaded, leading to an enlargement of the heart due
stretching. Over time the heart muscle loses its force of contraction, it creates a so-called
heart failure if left untreated death of the animal.
is still too little to elegance, agility and agility of a
animal care.
action is primarily for breeders of Great Danes
4th Details of the study
A. Blue / Black from blue
number of animals: 80 live and 60 dead 140 Animals
diseases (heads) of death (heads)
allergy 6 -
old age - 10, including 1 animal younger than 10 years
eyes 12 (No. 2) - Musculoskeletal
24 (No. 1) 1
Genital 6 -
GI tract prophyl
torsion 6 2 8 (3rd place)
. Magenfix: 1
13 (1st place)
skin 4 - 3 11
heart (place 3)
infections 6 1
12 (No. 2)
osteosarcoma: 3, Other: 9
kidney / bladder 5 2
Other 4 7
spine 5 1
diseases during his lifetime: 71 to 140 animals (50.7%)
life expectancy: The average age of death: 6.5 years, died at the age of 10 or more
years : 9 animals (15%)
"hit list":
diseases: Musculoskeletal system: 24 animals (140 animals) 17.1%
(musculoskeletal system and spine: 29 animals 20.7%!)
Eyes: 12 animals (140 animals) 8.6%
torsion: 8 animals (140 animals) 5.7%
Cause of death: torsion: 13 animals (60 animals) 21.7%
cancer: 12 animals (60 animals) 20.0%
Heart: 11 animals (of 60 animals) 18.3%
as yellow / brindle
number of animals: 85 live and 76 dead animals 161
diseases (heads) of death (heads)
allergy 4 -
old age - 12, including 5 animals younger than 10 years
7 (3rd place)
eyes 13 (No. 2) 1
Musculoskeletal 23 (No. 1) 3
genitalia 12 (3rd place) -
GI tract 12 (3rd place) 4
torsion 12 (3rd place)
prophyl. Magenfix: 7
skin 8 6 - 1 19
heart (place 1) 9 3
16 (No. 2)
osteosarcoma: 8, Other: 8
Kidney / Bladder 2 1 Other 12 6
8 4
spinal diseases during his lifetime: 84 of 161 animals (52.2%)
life expectancy:
average age of death: 6.6 years died, aged 10 years or more: 7 animals (9.2%)
"hit list":
diseases: Musculoskeletal system: 23 animals (161 animals) 14.3%
(musculoskeletal and spine: 31 animals 19.3%)
Eyes: 13 animals (161 animals) 8.0%
torsion, genital organs, GI tract: 12 animals (of 161Tieren) 7.5%
Cause of death: heart: 19 animals (76 animals) 25.0%
cancer: 16 animals (76 animals) 21.0%
old age: 8 animals (76 animals) 10.5%
C. Black and harlequin
number of animals: 159 livestock and 52 dead 211 animals
diseases (heads) of death (heads)
allergy 9 -
old age - 12, including 1 animal < 10 Jahre alt
11 animals (No. 1)
eyes 14 -
Musculoskeletal 27 (No. 1) 1
genitalia 15 ( No. 2) -
prophyl GI tract 15 (No. 2) 2 9
torsion. Magenfix: 3
8 (No. 2)
skin 9 - 5 11
heart (place 1)
infections, 14 (3rd place) -
7 (3rd place)
osteosarcoma: 3, Others: 4
kidney / bubble 3 1 8 6 Other
spine 8 2
diseases during his lifetime: 105 of 211 animals (49.8%)
life expectancy: Average
Death, age: 6.6 years died at the age of 10 or more years: 11 animals (20%)
"hit list":
diseases: Musculoskeletal system: 27 animals (159 animals) 17.0%
(musculoskeletal and spine: 35 Pets 22.0 %)
genital tract, GI tract: 15 animals (159 animals) 9.4%
infections: 14 animals (159 animals) 8.8%
Cause of death: old age, heart: 11 animals (52 animals) 21.2%
torsion: 8 animals (52 animals) 15.4%
cancer: blue 7 animals (52 animals) 13.5%
D. Overview of the three color varieties
yellow / blue brindle / black from black / harlequin
161 animals
85 live and 76 dead dogs
140 Animals
80 live and 60 dead dogs
211 animals
159 living and 52 dead dogs
life expectancy:
average age of death: Died 6.6 years
aged 10 or more
8 animals (10.5%)
life expectancy:
average age of death: 6.5 years
Died at the age of 10 or more
9 animals (15%)
life expectancy:
average age of death: 6.6 years
died at the age of 10 or more years
: ill
11 animals (20%)
The Living: 84 of 161 animals
cancer during his lifetime: ill
71 of 140 animals 50.7%
During his lifetime: 105 of 211 animals
musculoskeletal system: 14.3%
(including spine: 19.3%) eyes
: 8.0%
torsion, genital , GI tract: 7.5%
Cause of death:
heart: 25.0%
cancer: 21.0%
old age: 10.5%
musculoskeletal system: 17.1%
(including spine: 20.7%)
eyes: 8.6%
torsion 5.7%
Cause of death:
torsion: 21.7%
cancer: 20.0%
heart: 18.3%
musculoskeletal system: 17.0%
(including spine: 22.0%!)
Genital tract, GI tract: 9.4%
infections: 8.8%
Cause of death: heart
, senility: 21.2%
torsion: 15.4%
cancer: 13.5%
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