The difference between music education and music therapy even for many music therapists still unclear. If music therapy would mark as a discipline in this situation is not without problems. Generally, claims to independence be recognized earlier if a certain independence and autonomy has also become apparent. Teachers deal for many centuries with the question of structure and identity: the question of the formation of the personality.
The desire for recognition, the desire for autonomy has something to do with acceptance. Acceptance is, however, also requires a degree of clarity about what exactly has to be accepted. What appears, however dim, requires clarification.
thesis The definition of music therapy and the exact definition of music education is still pending.
we know from science about the importance of clear terms. A certain degree of accuracy and clarity is much in demand. Unless it can be built on clear definitions, aims science after education.
who writes about music therapy and would be taken seriously in science, should therefore know as clearly as possible what he writes. Fuzzy concepts reveal their shortcomings easily. Appears well-founded, which is supported by a solid foundation. Even a high-profile self-description is more acceptable than a vague and fuzzy self-representation. This may be due to their better verifiability. This applies both to the self-description of a man, and for the self-description from the education and diversifying for autonomy and recognition of scientific endeavor be music therapy.
autonomy we mean a certain degree of self-determination and a certain independence from the environment. Autonomy is the less, the greater the dependence on the environment. Hence expected from autonomous, a certain autonomy in the self-description. However, if the autonomy is neglected in order to adapt to the environment, autonomy is secondary.
" Summary:
The relationship between music therapy and music education and its problems of definition are determined respectively by the dominant national definitions of music therapy payers towards a delimitation imperative. because the music therapy must meet the relevant legal requirements such as guidelines for the practice of medicine needs. To distinguish between music therapy and music education, various features are cited as they were presented a case study. A final decision on the allocation of a musical activity to a discipline can never be based on a single trait. Rather, the various features are each considered very carefully. "(Plahl, cooking Temmerman, 2005, 63)

a vague reference to a prevailing national definition of music therapy does not replace a personal profile. Desirable would be a clear definition of music therapy. But Christine Plahl Hedwig and offer cooking Temming in their foundations of music therapy with children no precise criteria can be clearly distinguished according to which, where the range ends of music education and leaves the Territorum music therapy.
So, the question of why this boundary is still so unclear.
As it was already craftsmen before their work has been studied scientifically, is experimenting with music in the social sector and in the practice of medicine is already long. From music educators and musicians will not primarily expected that they mastered their work in a scientific manner. Also from the craftsman who will repair a water tap, you do not expect academic lecture, but a re-functioning water tap, which does not drip when he was turned down. For practitioners and those who commissioned, is primarily the result.
So, the question of who ever has a problem with the definition of music therapy and music education. What benefits could be drawn from such a separation?
This question is in the last decades Berufsrollenausdifferenzierung was brought to the attention. How can the process of differentiation took place here Explained? What reasons and motives could have led to it was increasingly important music therapy music education distinguished?
The specialization in a diversifying society could explain the phenomenon. And at some point appear demarcation needs to accompany the process of a new identity. The individual likes to go to a status improvement or a better financial income. But can be also observed a trend of professionalization, including the establishment of music therapy training centers with an increasing number of graduates is to be counted.
If you want to distance themselves, would like to develop their own professional identity, and the corresponding issues will have to make. What exactly is the independence from the music therapy? How music therapy is different from what it is not what is the difference between music therapy and music education, between music therapy and special education, between music therapy and music, social work, between music and music therapy group work, etc.?

Differs music therapy by separate and specific music therapy methods? Where exactly is the difference between a music education and a music therapy? Are there explicit music therapy method which could not be called a music teacher? What exactly can identify a completed music therapy?
Taking the PsychThG in the practice of the payers of health system design, the psychotherapeutic Musikktherapie leaves of non-psychotherapeutic procedures separate with music, but this solution offers no intrinsic identity, because the music therapy is defined by external authorities. This allows the music therapy while having to define yourself, but we feel this as a fairly low level of identity formation. What is an identity, what is this autonomy, if the attribution to maintain the identity of others is absolutely necessary?
Nor can the music education is not simply a distributor of music therapy staked ground. In fact, some music therapy based on explicit music teacher working models. Juliette Alvin, wrote music education books, she described herself not as a music therapist, though she works with sick children and developed a music-pedagogical model for the treatment of autistic children. A 'sick' clientele enchanted music education is not automatically in music therapy!
Juliette Alvin did not require a subtle distinction between music therapy and music education, she did what she did.
Those who advocate a conceptual differentiation of the music therapy from the music education must sharpen up their ideas to take to achieve clarity of focus.

Responsible for scientific definitions are ultimately working scientific researchers. This does not mean that music therapy professional organizations would be without influential in forging identity. But the scientific Distinction between music therapy and music education is an academic matter.
The differentiation of music therapy and music education is - figuratively speaking - in a still rather dull phase. Accordingly, there is the chance to be clarified. The fuzziness of the terms
music therapy and music education is transferred without clarifying the way on the concepts of music therapy research 'and' Music Education Research ': a clean conceptual separation is currently nothing to be found here.

Quote from:
Plahl, Christine Koch Temming, Hedwig (2005) In: Plahl; Temming Koch (Ed.) Music therapy with children. Foundations - methods and practice fields. Bern: Huber.
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