Thursday, May 17, 2007

Belkin Tunebase Fm Blown Fuse

Regulatory music training

: Scene 11/30/2008 Definition for psychotherapy

Christoph Schwabe limited the event he developed Regulative music training from 20 years ago clearly on the Psychotherapy:

"psychological relaxation techniques are not medical treatment and may obtain one when they are due to specific complaint states or . pathologies proves necessary, not replace.
psychological relaxation techniques are not therapy, but health training. They are thus in the field of psycho-prophylaxis, aimed at improving the welfare and thus the prevention of discomfort or illness is addressed. Therefore, also strongly warn against, for existing Complaints do not seek medical attention and to assume one can be cured using psychological relaxation process itself. Where treatment is necessary, it belongs in the hands of the doctor. Only he can adequately diagnose and initiate complaints on this basis, the necessary therapeutic measures. ... What has been said applies also to full training on the Regulative music. This method is so designed that it can be learned without the guidance of a therapist or by a person skilled in self-training. Therefore this method to existing problems by no means a substitute for a medical treatment. It would cause great harm even if through Failure to follow these instructions disease developments übersähe and failed to have put a professional diagnosis and to undergo appropriate treatment. "(Schwabe, 1987, 17 f.)

second Regulative music training and psychiatric abuse

the words of Christopher Schwabe on drug abuse are relevant today as 20 years ago.
"It has been made in a variety of people to the habit of meeting each arousal state with a tranquilizer and access to fatigue and exhaustion to stimulants. This comes as dangerous because the organism adapts over time to the chemical substances, that is, shows no effect and then the dose at the taking must be increased. The adaptation of the organism to the chemicals is not the same as habituation or processing. Has been proved, can result in uncontrolled duration medication well as to physical damage, which usually causes nervous disorders and despite Medikamenteneinnahe despite temporary relief to be removed, but continue to exist. If we assume that so-called nervous disorders such as persistent stress, anxiety, headaches, impaired expression of tense lifestyles are discordant, then the cause these disorders, namely the wrong way of life, not resolved by constant revenue of sedatives, but despite the fact remains to be achieved instantaneous improvement of state to exist. For this reason, the the rule has become uncontrolled use of such drugs is no solution in the long run, but leads rather seen long-term rather to a deterioration of the condition. "(Schwabe, 1987, 19f)

The Regulative music training has its own individual and responsibly designed activity and differs in significant ways from drug consumption. The continuity of the training it by motives of self-realization and thus achieved satisfaction Pleasure and joy to be encouraged.

third Regulatory objectives of the music training

tension and relaxation are offered in the concept of regulatory musical training directly related to everyday lifestyle. Here is this: has for shaping their own lives the individual himself to take over the responsibility. An active training sets out from the passive medication. This is about the ability to help themselves.
Healthy behaviors should become a routine habit. Of autogenous training, progressive relaxation, concentrative Musikelrelaxation and the regulative music therapy differs in that "they do not exclusively on the influence and exercise directed by bodily functions, but in the attention area next to the body and mind, emotions and moods, as well as the perception of music involves. "(Schwabe, 1987, 16)
The goal of regulatory relaxation training is to increase the capability of voltage regulation. It is not about to reduce maximum power quality, as well as less a''switch off''than about the ability to''switch''is. It is not about relaxation in the sense of relaxation but to improve the ability to bring about solutions.
Regular Practice is to be taken specifically influence on the solution of internal tension states. Is targeted to more effective performance in terms of economic performance and increasing use of well-being.

Schwabe, Christoph (1987) relaxation training with music. 2. Edition 1987, Leipzig: Georg Thieme.


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