Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Demi's mother is the "Lovatics" grateful!

Dianna De La Garza has now via Twitter thanks for the support of the "Lovatics" ...

diannaleedlg I thank God for all of you # Lovatics who stood beside our family through everything no matter what. You are a gift from Him and we love u all!

diannaleedlg # Lovatics - WE ARE A FAMILY!!

How Much Is The Alcohol Parott Bay

Demi Lovato & Wilmer Valderrama: no connection!

Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderrama are not a couple!
This set of 30-year-old actor is now clearly at a party in Los Angeles. As reported "" said one insider: "The people asked him repeatedly whether he has a girlfriend - he always answered 'no' He said that he is single and still have.."
arrived several days on rumors, Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderrama were together. This would have brought celebrity blogger Perez Hilton in experience.
Source: Fan

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jenna Jameson Preview Pierced Tits

So one day ...

... so beautiful as it is today ...

Bayern - Borussia Dortmund 1: 3

And by the way - BVB Meister

Friday, February 25, 2011

Genital Acne How Long Do It Last?

local therapy 1

Under local therapy or topical therapy is the application of medical drugs, where they are to have a therapeutic effect, in contrast to the so-called systemic administration of drugs, such as an infusion or tablet.

While in some fields of medicine, local therapy does not matter, because the organs are to be treated directly accessible, it is in other fields is the main form of therapy. The key issues are the dermatology, ophthalmology and ear, nose and throat medicine, including women's health it is applied.

topical therapy in dermatology
The most important is the topical therapy in dermatology. Much of the significant dermatological medications can be applied directly to the affected main . This has several advantages:

* The agents are effective only where they are needed during the healthy skin is spared.
* The local application, many systemic side effects of drugs are avoided.
* Choosing the right foundation can significantly contribute to treatment success. At the same time but you can also aggravate by selecting a wrong basis, the skin disease.

The key in dermatology bases are arranged in the delta phase of local therapy.

* Bold albums: Pure Fatty ointments are used very little because they just at warmer Temperatures of the patients will not be tolerated. Fatty ointments While contributing to the fact that dry skin's moisture. But they close the pores of the skin and provide for a heat storage so that they more acute inflammation can exacerbate the situation. Pull slightly into the skin, so patients often have the feeling of being only just been creamed.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Scream Demi + info

now to the information. It is alleged about Demi's new album. Until now, non nothing officially confirmed!
Supposedly the album to come out on 29.Mai.2011 in America and it will be called The Best Days Of My Life .
THX to

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skin Flora 5

E. coli, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas and Enterobacteriaceae arrive moist and warm areas of the skin (intertriginous areas) are more common.

fungi, sheds
producing sebaceous glands of a human sebum too much or are the sebaceous glands due to rare hair washing by sebum clogged, then the normally harmless yeast Pitysporum oval strong growth provides what the seborrhoeic dermatitis with itching and flaking out. Dandruff shampoos can be customized with appropriate now well get a grip

colonization of the hair follicle
Here is particularly high numbers predominantly lipophilic bacteria. Near the surface move staphylococci and Malassezia, including aerobic and anaerobic corynebacteria in depth, lipophilic bacteria (Propionibacterium).

hair follicles as a seed reservoir
A large part of skin flora is in the area of hair follicles, 20% of skin flora is in deep sections of the hair follicles located. These seeds are also a skin disinfectant not to eliminate them form the reservoir from which the skin flora after the disinfection within 24 - 72 hours to buy again.

follicle mites Demodex folliculorum as live in the hair follicles on the scalp and forehead, including the scalp. Follicle can be passed from person to person, usually from mother to child, and colonize every human being, but also dogs and cats. The tiny mites feed fat, bacteria, but also cream and makeup residue. After two weeks living on the skin they return to their birthplace, the hair follicles back, where they mate and give birth. The new mites migrate with the growing Hair back to the skin surface. Their existence helps the balance of the skin to maintain. While they can cause mange in animals with weak immune systems, are negative effects in man and his partner Demodex follicularum not known.
determine the number of bacteria on the skin (detergent washing method)
A skin area of defined size is coated with a specific volume of detergent solution. The germs the skin surface by friction from be solved in the detergent and grown after dilution.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Should I Give My Baby Anbesol

skin Flora 4

micrococci (M. luteus, M. flavus) are detectable in children.

other germs
Apathogenic species mycobacteria Sarcinia spp.

Transient colonization
This section needs to be revised. Further details are given on the talk page. Help improve it and then remove this mark.

dry skin areas
example, flexor surface of forearms: low total bacterial count. Coagulase-negative staphylococci predominate (102 - 103 cfu / cm ²). Few corynebacteria and propionibacteria.

resident flora
This section needs to be revised. Further details are given on the talk page. Help improve it and then remove this tag.

staphylococci (S. epidermidis, S. saprophyticus, S. hominis, S. xylosus, S. warneri, S. haemolyticus, S. saccharolyticus, p. Conii, S. auricularis) colonize prefers moist skin areas and talgarme as intertriginous areas, hands and feet. (C. minutissimum, C. jeikeium, C. xerosis, C. pseudotuberculosis, C. goutcheri, C. pseudodiphteriticum, C. bovis)

corynebacteria corynebacteria
split by the sebaceous glands fatty acids to the skin formed fats responsible for the acidic milieu on the skin and are thus in turn lead to an inhibition of bacterial growth.

Propionibacterium (P. acnes, P. granulosum, P. avidum).

Brevibacterium Dermabacter
including causing the individual body odor.

Malassezia furfur Malassezia furfur
(formerly Pityrosporum ovale, P. orbiculare) is a dimorphic fungus sprout. Occur mainly on the face, chest and back (102 CFU / cm ²) .

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Much For Tracy Adams

"Do not Forget" Demi Lovato

As you perhaps know, has "Do not Forget" reached the gold status of which there are now some pictures \u0026lt;33

Robert Stanley Collection Ribbon 6503163

Gold Pictures: Back in the Studio

Demi Lovato making music again.
The 18-year old singer and actress, left last month after ten weeks treatment in a rehabilitation clinic in the U.S. state of Illinois, where she is said to have been present due to mental problems, and it is now, according '' back in the recording studio in Hollywood. When will the filming of their show 'Sonny with a Chance' start, is still not fixed.
"Demi takes on music, but is still not back on the set," reveals an Interested . "She will be back with the filming start to the show when she is ready. "
In treatment went Lovato in November last year, reports whereupon it was that she had beaten before one of her dancers, Alex Welch. In December of this dispute, however, settled, after she had paid her a reparation
Then said one insider. "The times are not $ 100,000. . Much, much less than 100,000 " disturbed the Welch did not, however ." I think she wanted to finish the thing to just go ahead and "

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How Big Is Jefree Stars Penis

skin Flora 3

Despite the sweat and transdermal fluid secretion (insensible perspiration) offers the epidermis a very dry environment, which is a poor breeding ground. Which correspond to significantly higher bacterial densities in moist areas of skin (intertriginous), such as armpits, finger and toe spaces, groin, anal fold.

lipids, fatty acids
Free fatty acids, some of which are first formed by bacterial metabolism (lipophilic nuclei, see below), bactericidal to many bacteria. A change in these environmental conditions also attracts shifts in the seed densities of individual species and species after themselves. For example, the proportion of lipophilic species in the state to take the seborrhoea and overall number of bacteria increases with increased sweating (humidification otherwise dry skin ) to.

Seborrheic zones
Talgreiche skin regions are very densely populated with lipophilic germs, including: corynebacteria, propionibacteria and Malassezia furfur. The lipolytic metabolism of propionibacteria (including by lecithinase) leads to the formation of free fatty acids, which in turn affect the rest of the colonization of the skin. In addition to these lipophilic organisms (mainly propionibacteria) also plenty of coagulase negative staphylococci and non-pathogenic mycobacteria are present. The seborrheic areas include: forehead, nasolabial folds, nose, neck and shoulders.

Wet skin areas
higher humidity leads to an increase in bacterial density. In intertriginous areas (finger and toe spaces, groin, armpit, Pofalte) are the counts significantly larger than, for example, at the very dry lower legs. The armpits are colonized very different, either coagulase-negative staphylococci predominate next few corynebacteria or the opposite is the case. In the sweat ducts to settle Peptostreptokokken, which are often the cause of an Schweißdrüsenabszesses. Spaces between the toes: pigment-forming Bacteroides species (B. melaninogenicus, B. asaccharolyticus) and Clostridium perfringens are regularly detected. Intertriginous areas are populated fairly often (yeast) fungus.

Monday, February 14, 2011

How A Pisces Woman Can Get A Scorpio Man Back

Madison De La Garza: Interview with Demi's half-sister

As Demi Lovato due to mental health problems could be treated in a hospital, a young lady like a wall behind her half-sister ... Madison De La Garza!
now has the small actress with the "Latina Mag", where a sweet interview. In it she talks about her role in the Juanita "Desperate Housewives" talk.

plays in the new episodes of the show Madison De La Garza a much larger role, she says. Challenging, they have a lot of fun shooting.
wanted to go from here with her role Madison, come on, of course She is also contractually bound to secrecy, even if it is still a dwarf.

Demi Lovato is proud of her little sister!

Source: Celebrity Cabana

Does Leimo Work On Hair Loss

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Ocular Hypertension Surgery

skin Flora 2

horny layer

Apart from those microorganisms that have specialized in the degradation of the keratin (dermatophytes, trichophytic), the nutrient supply the skin surface limited and therefore far from ideal for all bacteria. An invasion is also reflected in the steady growth of the epidermis , for the most populated cell layers (stratum disjunctum of the stratum corneum) are shed continuously.

skin surface pH value
It has long been known that the skin surface is acidic (Heuss 1882), later they also spoke of the "acid mantle of the skin" ( Schade / Marchionini 1928). There have been numerous studies on the skin surface pH value and long the oft-mentioned pH range of 5.4 to 5.9 was regarded as the normal value on the "forearm of a white, male, adult person" (Braun-Falco / Korting 1986) . Two recent studies have shown that the physiological pH is just under 5 (Lambers et al. 2006; Segger et al. 2007). In addition, the pH value is influenced by many factors such as age, gender, area of skin, cosmetics, etc.

The importance of the slightly acidic pH was also investigated in numerous studies and It was shown that through him the growth of some pathogenic microorganisms (eg Propionibacterium acnes) but inhibited the normal flora of microorganisms to grow (eg Staphylococcus epidermidis) very well at a pH value by 5. Thus stabillisiert by the "acid mantle" the growth of non-pathogenic bacteria and the inhibition of pathogenic (Pillsbury / Rebel 1952; Korting et al. 1987, 1990 and 1992; Kurabayashi et al. 2002, Lambers et al. 2006).

The importance of the skin surface pH value goes beyond the described thing, because through him many pH-dependent enzymes work very well, which participated in the development and regeneration of the epidermal permeability barrier (skin barrier) are. Thus, the slightly acidic skin pH is of crucial importance for the whole of the skin homeostasis .

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Do I Get My Spinning Bike To Stop Squeaking

recovery in a hospital?

Demi Lovato is now actually already be in a new therapy. "" the Demi Lovato says well actually suffering from an eating disorder and it is therefore already in therapy. It should have been admitted to Santa Monica to "Eating Disorder Center, where she allegedly attended some group meetings and eating plan gets created. There are also Video that if they enter the facility shows. It seems to agree.
Demi was just out of rehab - released clinic where she was because of "mental and emotional problems" in treatment. Now all thought it the Disney Star again mountain goes up and this year they continue their tour. But apparently since all I was wrong, unfortunately.
We will see whether a speaker will confirm it, that Demi is really again in therapy. We hope that it may be only a supportive measure in the regeneration. We would really want that Demi back on their feet and come back soon blessed with new music, live performances, etc.!
Source: Pinkclusive BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Average Cost Of Veterinary Opthamologist

It's all over, it's all over

How To Watch Southparkstudios On Itouch

skin Flora 1

skin flora
A healthy skin is densely populated with microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi that pose as commensals or Mutual a natural component of skin surface and are summarized as skin flora. They represent an important prerequisite for the skin itself and the organism to protect as a whole against pathogenic bacteria and are part of the microbiome

If the skin intact as a boundary element to the outside world and thus their barrier function can only meet, do not disturb these germs do not ill and for several reasons very useful. For as the harmless commensals to us may be, they are at the microscopic level aggressively striving to defend their turf. If a pathogen will invade the body, he must, therefore, first of all to grapple with these "bouncers". Only those claims against the resident flora, can penetrate deeper. Only secondarily they produce metabolic products that have a positive impact on the properties of the skin.

The individual skin regions show a very different spectrum of germs. The hair follicles are home while most of the germs, and what a. is crucial for the formation of so-common diseases such as acne or folliculitis.

moisture, pH and oxygen supply, depending on the skin area is very different, accordingly, the distribution of the individual "normal" bacteria are not strictly uniform. Depending on the skin region, age, gender, genetic predisposition and environmental conditions, both the spectrum of germs, and the bacterial counts of the normal skin flora can be very different. Thus found a study by the New York University, which examined the microbes on the forearms of six people, a total of 182 different species of bacteria anaerobic strains of eight, but only four species appeared in all six. [1] The ratio of aerobic species is relatively balanced with 10:1. The bacterial densities, depending on the region 102-106 per cm ². Approximate counts of different skin regions (number of bacteria per cm ²): fingertips 20 - 100, back 3 x 102 feet, 102-103, forearm 102-5 x 103, hand 103, front 2 x 105 scalp 106, armpit 2 x 106th A total of around 1010 bacteria live on our skin surface.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Is Drinking Pellegrino Bad When Pregnant?


Monday, February 7, 2011

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your children ...

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of longing
of life for its own
They come through you but not from you,
and though they are with you, they are yours not.

You can give them your love but not your thoughts
as they have their own thoughts.
You can give your body a home,
but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the
house of tomorrow, the
you can not attend,
not even in your dreams.

You can try, to be like them, but
not looking, they'll make the same.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday and
You are the bows from which your children
be sent out as living arrows!

The archer sees the mark
on the path of the infinite,
and he bends you with his power,
his arrows fly it fast and far.
Let your bending in the hand of the shooter
be directed to joy.

For as he loves the arrow that flies,
loves He also the bow that is stable.

Khalil Gibran, Arab poet (1883-1931)

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Best International Star: No. 8

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Does A Spleen Feel

Tolstoy hear - the first ending story

How Long After Reporting To Ice

New Tattoo Gallery Update

Demi probably has a new tattoo on wrist

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Whats A Good Basketball Warmup Song

epidermis 2

stratum granulosum

begins with progressive keratinization in this " granule cell layer " already the degradation of the cells, they gradually turn into lifeless keratinocytes. The outer shape is gradually flattened and the cell becomes more and more dominated by Keratingranula. The nucleus is not as well defined as in the stratum spinosum.

stratum lucidum

Also known as "clear layer" designated Stratum lucidum is a very uniform appearance under the microscope cell layer, which occurs only at the marked strips skin of the hands and feet. It has the task of a barrier against all forms of intrusion into the skin show. It consists mainly of an oily layer with lower refractive differences (so it appears transparent). In the fields of skin and therefore it is hardly designed to recognize only a thin strip below the cell andersfärbiger almost unstructured stratum corneum and forms the transition layer for strongly inhomogeneous granule cell layer.
stratum corneum

The transition to the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the epidermis occurs abruptly. The now fully keratinized corneocytes are now called "horny cells", the "horny layer" that can be thick, depending on the region of 12-200 cell layers. The cells of this epidermis are dead and do not contain organelles more. Between the fat cells, together with the horn cells, a water-repellent layer.

stratum disjunctum

disjunctum The stratum is the uppermost layer of the cornea, it has to air inclusions another contrast than the underlying material. Here the horn cells separated from each other by dissolving the contacts between the cells. Normally, this process is invisible to the naked eye. When disturbed coordination of the corneocytes desquamation solve in larger organizations. Aggregations from 500 cells are visible with the naked eye, skin flakes.

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"Do not Forget" went gold

Since you can only say yes Congratulations Demi!

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Forza BVB - the dancing with the Royal Blues ... Pseudomembranous colitis

Friday 16.30 - Alexander Buia and I start to Dortmund by the derby of all Derby: BVB-Schalke!
We drive into the night - a long Evening there will be ... Before we get to the Hagen 45 in the feared traffic jams, but relaxed (sic despite my known underlying disease ... that is the impatience) it goes on until we get near the Continentale a parking lot. Of course we had wrapped up - long johns were mandatory and I still got into my walking boots in the face of memories that I have already frozen to the South as a tailor.
Heading to the stadium - a lot of police, and suddenly even on horseback next to me. And I'm allergic to horse hair ... I remembered again that the former Schalke fans from the train station to the stadium were accompanied by mounted police time ...
A huge crowd of people from the Turnstiles, but we pass quickly to my surprise ... Luckily, I noticed at home just in time that I wanted to insert the cards from last season. The cards were found but ...(" Christl ... help me ...") looking
bratwurst and beer were all the rage, but previously had a debit card to be worried. There is simply nothing (neat mustard on it!) Of bratwurst and beer at the Westfalen Stadium!
in block 14 on the South - a few spots left at the bottom close to the fence - we still look good! On the way, I'm on a sloping road slipped on a plastic cup ... nothing happened, beer mugs not buried, you have to have luck! And after the traditional rituals - the South is like a closed yellow wall with the cherished dishes - here we go!
BVB stormed away like a hurricane - the Royal Blues are stamped on the bar and thread - only their goalkeeper, it is thanks to them that they are not back in the first few minutes. The South suffers in the face of missed chances .... the beer supply from the "beer backpacks" comes in the dense crowd far behind.
is in the second half this rate, many high-profile opportunities, and the door just will not succeed. There is an increased nickel-term, many fouls. Announced that the hurricane on the German low mountain ranges in the stadium has arrived, you realize in a free kick situation for the Royal Blues - the ball is simply not in place, but is moved by the wind a few yards away ... As I observe, "They hold a good goalkeeper," turns to me for one and says "you are for the curve to neutral! " Probably he is right ... when I look at all the middle finger, which are highly stretched in the direction Schalke block. But this is simply a derby - through and through life to the very roots! Every fan a veteran! Beer showers and curses, laughter and tears, despair and disappointment included.
Forza BVB sings the south - it remains at 0: 0 - in this whirlwind of playing the Masters BVB! Who else?
On the way to the stadium out to see we are a young woman wearing a yellow and black jersey with the name Metzelder! Understand a women? The guy was booed mercilessly but now every ball contact - and rightly - become big in Dortmund and Schalke then! Best way to a "disposition" does not demonstrate.
When we arrive at the car, we are drenched in sweat - we are much more attracted to warm, it was 10 degrees at 23.30 clock. Return via the 45 - to the south dam, but a quick trip - in spite of strong winds in the Sauerland, by shaking the carrot - we are after two hours at half past two in the night at home.
a great time! Images are
it here

Addendum - Leverkusen and Bavaria (thanks to the Cologne!) lose ... The BVB is champion!

Friday, February 4, 2011

What Happens If You Miss Sorority Initiation

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A 40 - year-old woman presented to the hospital with crampy abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhea, and leukocytosis (12.900 white cells per micro liter). She was admitted with a presumptive diagnosis of infectious colitis and was treated with a 14-day course of ciprofloxacin, with a moderate response. Nine days after discharge, the patient returned to the emergency department with abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and hypotension. A contrast-enhanced computed tomographic scan of the abdomen showed marked bowel-wall thickening (Panel A, arrows) throughout the sigmoid colon and descending colon. Colonoscopy (Panel B) revealed multiple discrete, yellowish, polypoid lesions and a friable, hyperemic mucosa. Histopathological examination of the biopsy specimens revealed a neutrophilic infiltrate in the lamina propria and mucopurulent exudates erupting through the denuded surface epithelium, findings that confirmed a diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis (Panel C, hematoxylin and eosin). Results of a test for Clostridium difficile toxin, performed 6 days after the second admission, were negative. The patient began treatment with antimicrobial agents and was discharged 117 days later, after complete resolution of the colitis.

Naiming Chen, MD, and Shin-Lin Shih, MD
N Engl J Med 2011; 364: e8

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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Afghanistan from the air leaks


How Long Before An Enema Works

Selena Gomez on Miley & Demi

The interview started with the correction in terms Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato . This Selena Gomez said: " Many believe that there is a rivalry between us because of our similar age, our music and the programs we make, but these do not exist. I am friends with Demi since our first collaboration for "Barney" 6 years ago. She is my best friend, as well as Miley. We respect our careers and our friendship and there is much admiration that led us to maintain our friendships. "The schonmal to alleged rivalry between Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato.

Source: Pinkclusive