itching in dogs
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itching (pruritus) of dogs, both for the owner, as well as for
the animal, an almost unbearable suffering. He expressed not only by scratching
and itching, but also licking, nibbling and rubbing
are a sign of itching.
In the simplest case is just a massive flea infestation, the
fighting is not always easy at the best they
contact their veterinarian. Some diseases that cause
itching, may occur only briefly by a
symptomatic therapy with cortisone injections to a
reduction of itching, but usually
the itching comes but mostly over and demand
therefore a clarification of the cause by a
trust your veterinarian or a Veterinärdermatologen. The clarification
makes the real cause of the itching is
far paid off when then a much more targeted treatment or
even an elimination of the cause is possible.
Apart from the animal welfare aspect, because a persistent
plagued by itching dog is really suffering,
arises also in the purely symptomatic
treatment with cortisone and the potential risk of
condition called "Cushing's disease.
itching is one of the most common complaints for which patients are
presented to the veterinarian. Whether there is where and to what extent
itching, is a particularly important criterion for distinguishing
numerous skin diseases, as I
top already erwehnte:
food allergies
environmental allergies
plant allergies
has all this influence in skin diseases of our Great Danes
If your pet is suffering from itching, the vet will ask the following
questions: "How long has he scratches himself where he scratches,
leaks or He chewed on the feet, he rubs his face, scratching his
a different animal in the house, you yourself
lesions, the itch every season
equal, the itching in the house the same as outdoors, which has first
begonnnen - the itchiness - or was the first
lesions present, etc, "bear with the answer that many questions
They help to ensure that your veterinarian using
further investigation found the cause of the itching.
itching can have many different causes, of which the
often to be explained at this point:
The sarcoptic mange is caused by mites grave digging
tunnels into the horny layer of the skin. These mites prefer
little hairy skin, so they are found most often on
ears, elbows, waist and ankles
. With the spread of the disease but can also colonize
extensive areas of the body. This mite
(Sarcoptes scabiei var) primarily infects dogs, but can temporarily
to go to cats and humans.
Besides massive itching of dogs, with heat often is reinforced
, there are lesions in the
mentioned points, because this disease is very contagious,
they should be treated immediately by a veterinarian,
the follicle mites (Demodex canis)
is spread through direct contact of
the bitch on the sucking newborn
puppies during the first days of life. Therefore
the mite in small numbers in all healthy dogs to be found.
in dogs with weakened immune systems (eg
stress, in young dogs or in adult
Dogs with an inner disease) leads to an increase
of mites in the hair follicles. The local form
very young dogs to be hairless, round bodies most often
the face and the front limbs. This
lesions may be associated with and without itching,
infections usually benign and cure in young dogs usually
spontaneously, but if it develops into a generalized form of
allergic mongrel with secondary
Malassezia dermatitis.
disease comes while enlarging parts of the body are affected be-it will look in the adult dog an underlying-away condition characterized by weakening of the immune system such Multiplication of mites have caused gently. With this form of the disease must be expected with a long-term treatment. Demodicosis is out of the mother dog to Saugwelpen not transferable cash, in breeding flocks can be always a genetic-tion investment to get this disease, be-active sites, generalized by eliminate sick dogs from breeding programs, the incidence of demodicosis are drastically reduced ,
The Cheyletiella dermatitis
by the mite Cheyletiella spp. is triggered and a typical juvenile disease. It is highly contagious and besides dogs, cats and small pets can also affect humans dig these mites do not, but live in dead skin cells on the skin. You see the puppy white dry flakes with or without itching, especially at the back, are we to think first of a Cheyletiella dermatitis. The therapy is by the veterinarian and should because of the high risk of infection EHEST done soon with all the household pets.
ear mites
Otodectes cynotis
is a mite that leads to the formation of thick, sparkling-Ner crusts in the ears. These mites may be limited to the outer ear canal, but rarely are found on the neck, rump and tail. It is a highly contagious disease that is widespread especially in young animals.
If you find any fleas on your dog, but black-ze small beads and Würstelchen that stain moistened with water reddish brown, they find flea dirt. The adult fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) on dogs living there and put their eggs. These fall to the ground and are thus in the vicinity of the animal, the eggs hatch into larvae that move away from light and are therefore in the depth of the carpet fibers, under upholstery and in soil cracks. The larvae pupate, the pupae are the most resistant stages of flea development, they can vary depending on environmental conditions, a year long stay at this stage, for example, triggered by ground vibrations-slips from the pupa of the flea, which goes immediately to the host search. If an animal is present, the lower legs of people at the first blood meal can be used. Since only the adult flea on the animal is located and all stages in derWohnung, it is absolutely necessary to find a treatment of the animal, the apartment, the car, in general, all places where resides the animal to run away, on leave. Best Consult with your veterinarian about proper flea control.
allergies Flea allergy
The flea allergy is a common allergic skin disease. By a flea bite, the dog comes with the saliva of the flea in contact, to which he is allergic. This disease is independent of the number of fleas, as even a few fleas can cause with their saliva and cause itching in dogs
allergic reaction. These dogs show intense itching and skin changes, especially in the posterior half, ie the rump, the tail and hind limbs. be performed in these patients have a 100%, consistent flea control, since they each-time a flea has the opportunity to bite the dog, again start with these lesions are. The diagnosis is their veterinarian by the symptoms of your dog, fleas or flea dirt finding or a blood test (FCE receptor TESF at Laboklin). Seek advice from your veterinarian about flea control, since in these cases have flea products such as tapes and bathrooms not sufficiently effective.
environmental plant allergy
Atopy is an allergy to grass, pollen, house dust mites or molds. The main symptom of this disease is pruritus, the typical age of disease onset is between 6 months and 3 years. Preferred sites of itching are the face, ears, paws. Atopy starts with itching without skin lesions, but does the persistent scratching very often also to skin changes, which then become infected usually secondary bacterial and / or yeast and thus have additional cause itching, beginning this disease is often limited to certain months of the year, but over the years mostly on a year-round disease, the diagnosis of the veterinarian on the basis of history and symptoms, what exactly your dog is allergic, it is veterinarian by means of a skin allergy tests (skin test) or a blood allergy test set (Fce-receptor test in Laboklin). Thereafter, as a therapy specific immunotherapy (hyposensitization) in which your pet allergens to which allergic reaction, are injected at intervals at about 75% of dogs with this therapy is a very good successes, but you must beden
-ken, an allergy that does not curable, but it is one-to-control disease, which therefore requires an optimized management in collaboration with their veterinarian.
food allergy occurs when food allergy is an allergic reaction to an ingredient in food. The dog developed at some point in the life of a massive itching without typical distribution pattern of itching leads as mentioned above by the scratching of secondarily infected skin changes gene, this disease occurs regardless, how long a dog has already received a certain food, they can already a puppy or even in very old dogs, which for many years, the same Get food, meet for the first time in release, to come to diagnose what is in their dog food allergy, your veterinarian prescribes them either a so-called elimination diet where they are feeding their dogs for two months only a particular food. For this elimination diet, it would be advisable to cook the diet itself, and only afterwards used to be a vet available "hypoallergenic diets"-the, It is important that they have to this diet 100% strict compliance with mum because even the smallest piece of another food (cat food, chew, dog snacks, ..) to frustrate the elimination diet and they start again on the day zero,
Bacterial skin diseases
by colonization of the hair follicles with bacteria occurs as Staphylococcus intermedius is pruritic skin lesions-ments that go with red elevations (papules), pustules, scale-like rings (collarette) and crusts associated. In chronic cases the skin greatly thickened, appear bor-
kig and dark pigmentation. The hair loss resulting from the
inflammation of the hair follicle.
Bacterial infection of the skin is often a secondary disease
many different primary diseases, your veterinarian will first
infection with an appropriate antibiotic and baths and
then the root cause . Combat Other
Malassezia infection
Malassezia pachydermatis is a yeast in animals often leads to
skin diseases with itching. The animal is presented with massive
either ear problems or yellowish, greasy, scaly lesions
, more often on
neck and feet. Also developed a typical
"Hefegeruch" This infection, as with the bacterial infection
mentioned, very often a secondary disease
be various other underlying illnesses. The therapy consists of certain
baths and washing and
massive infestations tablets prescribed.
Acral lick dermatitis
This disease is caused by the compulsive licking
certain steep on the legs, This is
an oval, red skin thickening, the cause may be psychological
(boredom, stress, ..) or organic (allergy,
bacteria foreign matter). Treatment is therefore
in a change in circumstances or in the fight against
basic organic disease.
Pyotraumatische dermatitis (hot spot)
This disease arises due to a Selbsttraumatisierung,
which causes the patient by causing itching
itself. Often, a hot spot a complication of an allergy,
The intense trauma leads within a few hours
extensive lesions. The typical lesion is red
, humid and moist. If not immediately suitable
action is taken, the process
on quickly,
otitis externa
In the vernacular often referred to as "ears compulsion," The inflammation
is the outer ear canal of the dog a very common
disease in protracted cases of middle ear or inner ear
even cause inflammation. The cause
come in the simplest case of a foreign body (so called, "Slept Hansln") before
, but also infections with bacteria, yeasts
or mites are frequent. Many chronic ear problems are a sign of
atopy or food allergy and require
not only symptomatic treatment, ear cleaning and
but also an allergy diagnosis, ask your veterinarian or
vertauen he will advise you.
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